Qatari mercenaries

20120103 0950PST
What is wrong with this picture? I see the dots but the connections are vague.
Qatar was one major point of origin for NATO mercenaries in the Libya fight according to Nazemroaya of This might only be meant to be like a branch office of the International Brotherhood of Taliban Workers/mercenaries? Like the stevedores they could show up at the office for work, and send the money they make home to the family?
They might not want to negotiate so much as make a little bread with the only skill set we have allowed them to develop.
People develop along the lines of what they practice most. I would think they are poorly practiced in Islam. So more theological practice with real Muslims might build their character, that is if they don’t kill their Muslim brothers first, before they learn anything.
But is this only part of a Qatari mercenary vending machine?

About jonescv40

angels, so far so good
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